It is useful both as a pure noise oscillator as well as a random gate, voltage-controlled clock and even for use as hihats!
- Expo. response CV input (-V to +V)
- Linear response CV input (-V to +V) -- great for audio rate FM, as the audio demo shows. It sounds positively gruesome!
- Clock input (square wave, positive logic)
- Pitch control (to tune base frequency, just like a VCO)
- Base frequency noise output (a little smoother sounding than the divisions) [audio coupled]
- Sub octave /4 output (gritty sounding) [audio coupled]
- Sub octave /8 output (gritty sounding) [audio coupled]
- Base frequency DC coupled gate output (for when wanting a random gate when using a slower clock/pitch rate)
- Internal clock output (there was an extra opamp, so I figured this could be useful)